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Shanghai Epigenetics Meeting
Categories: Industry News Author: ebtcms Source: http://www.vanzpharm.com Datetime: 2012-01-02 00:48:01 Hits: 3603

The 3rd Shanghai Insterenational Conference of Epigenetics in Development and Diseases/The 7th Annual Meeing of Asian Epigenome Alliance/ Genome Medicine Workshop of Epigenetics In Diseases
Chairman’s Address

Epigenetics concerns the signals, players and DNA sequence independent mechanisms that underpin the cross-cell–division-maintenance of transcriptional memory.  Epigenetic mechunisms modifies and relays the information stored in the genome, via RNA and protein intermediates, to the phenotypes of cells, which diversify greatly in a time- and space-specific fashion. Epigenetic wellbeing and integrity are required for the correct unfolding of gene expression programs in the cell for  lineage specification during development. Defects in the epigenomic homeostasis and changes in epigenetic make-up are the hallmarks of the disease, including cancer, metabolic disorders, autoimmune and neurological diseases.

 In the year celebrating the 50th anniversary of the publication of DNA’s double stranded structure in Nature, James Watson forecasted that epigenetic (DNA sequence independent genetic) study will excite all of us in this era, the beginning of which was marked by the completion of the human genome blueprint. In the same year, we held the 1st Shanghai International Conference in Development and Diseases, offering 12 oral presentations (half given by scientists from abroad) to promote epigenetic study in China (October 2003, Cell Research, 2003, 13(5)). The US epigenome road map program was launched in 2008, with the aim that global collective efforts will be followed to provide epigenome reference maps of the major types of cells in both human and model organisms. In the same year, we held the 2nd conference[RF1] , entertaining over 200 participants with 36 oral presentations by world leading researchers in fields of either epigenetic or genomic sciences

This meeting was also under the name of the 3rd Annual meeting of Asian Epigenome Alliance, which was formulated in Seoul, 2006 to promote regional epigenetic (-omic) research.  Since 2008, we have witnessed rapid maturation of DNA sequencing and mathematical tools, and a number of conceptual breakthroughs in the epigenetic fields. Efforts to bring together new knowledge and technologies to revolutionize practice in both industry and medical care are increasingly intensified and illustrate the bright outlook  of epigenetic research to all sectors of society.  Today, we are indeed in the most exciting period of epigenetic study on history.。

It is our great pleasure to make the formal announcement that the 3rd Shanghai International Conference of Epigenetics and Diseases/The 7th Annual Conference of Asian Epigenome Alliance/Genome Medicine Workshop on Epigenetic(-omic)s in Diseases will take place from 19th to 22nd April, 2012, in Shanghai.

In this three day conference, there will be three morning sessions and six afternoon sessions. Each morning session consists of six 30 minute oral presentations.  Each afternoon session accommodates five 30 minute oral presentations. In total, 48 quality presentations will be given to effectively cover many outstanding advances in the epigenetic field.

To make the latest technologies for epigenetic (-omic) studies known to the meeting participants in a timely manner, there will be three lunch time technological sessions consisting of 6-12 presentations by scientists from selected biotech companies.

We intend to make this meeting a robust and pleasant forum for knowledge sharing and debate on the most prominent issues in this most rapidly expanding field of biology today. Built upon the successes of the previous two Shanghai International Conferences, we are sure the forthcoming 3rd in this series will be a great opportunity for all the participants.

 We are looking forward to meeting you all in Shanghai, 19-22, April, 2012.